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Malcolm X: By any means necessary

Malcolm X, the Black nationalist revolutionary, was reviled by white America during the Civil Rights era. After his assassination in 1965, many viewed him as a prophetic revolutionary. For the centenary of his birth, WritersMosaic explores Malcolm X's global legacy as a resistance leader.

WritersMosaic Profiled Writers
"As a writer, I can’t help but feel the UK is the only place I could have gained an embodied sense of my own hybridity."

My Hit List

Michael McMillan’s cultural highlights

Michael McMillan on Biyi Bandele's Burma Boy, the exhibitions There is Light Somewhere and The 80s: Photographing Britain, Oliver Samuels' Lucky Money and Edson Jean's film, Ludi.

What We Leave We Carry

Andrea Antonieta Schroeder

Andrea Antonieta Schroeder left Chile and moved to the UK with a broken heart to try to forget a man with whom she was in love.

Guest Edition


Edited by Hannah Lowe

“This guest edition deploys and renews the term borderliner (an obsolete and racist epithet for people of mixed heritage) as a catalyst for multiple, innovative discussions of issues of identity, race, ethnicity and language.”

Going for Gold 

Lisa Lintott's play inspired by the story of the boxer Frankie Lucas


Mati Diop's documentary on the return of looted royal treasures to Benin


Emteaz Hussain's kitchen sink drama in a northern British Pakistani home

Review by Amanda Vilanova


Chitra Ramaswamy's reflections on the inner life of pregnancy

Book review by Isabelle Dupuy

Childish Literature

Alejandro Zambra's memoir framed as a letter to his son Silvestre

Review by Daniel Rey

There Is Light Somewhere

Tavares Strachan's exhibiton with images of Elizabeth II, African masks and outer space

Review by Halina Edwards

Looking for Cazabon

Lawrence Scott’s debut poetry collection focuses on the Trinidadian painter Michel-Jean Cazabon

Review by Nicole-Rachelle Moore

The Pocket Guide To Feminism

Bel Olid longs for a world that fosters authentic loving relationships

Review by Suzanne Harrington

Close Up

Bookselling is not now a crime

The Educational Bookshop in Jerusalem remains a beacon of light

My Missing Tongue

Realising a dream of writing in Urdu

Getting Lost

In praise of getting lost

Peter Kalu

Life in the UK Tried and Tested

The trials of applying for Indefinite leave to remain in the UK

Amanda Vilanova

Vincy Mas

A homecoming for Carnival with the potential jeopardy of a hurricane

Delon Jessop


An autofiction

A short story by Sarah Sugiyama Issever

The Ferry

Fragments of a Dream

A short story by Saleh Addonia

Writing Parables Into Reality

Octavia E. Butler’s Parable Duology

Maame Blue


Featured event

Bocas Lit Fest: Echoes in the blood

At Trinidad's Bocas Literary Festival's recent event at the British Library, Monique Roffey, Safiya Sinclair and Kevin Jared Hosein reflected on how the most intimate relations are shaped by conflicts in the Caribbean.


Walking in the Wake

A black-and-white film after Christine Sharpe’s In the Wake On Blackness and Being (2016), Walking in the Wake was produced for the Estuary Festival (2021) in collaboration between the founding WritersMosaic board member Michael McMillan, Elsa James and Dubmorphology (Gary Stewart and Trevor Mathison).McMillan’s voiceover commentary meditates on the ebb and flow of the River Thames and the black presence in the English countryside, as we follow twelve black pilgrims walking along the Estuary passing sites of Empire.

Alford Dalrymple Gardner: remembered

Alford Dalrymple Gardner, a Windrush generation pioneer, died last week. In 2023, he visited the Edinburgh International Book Festival to discuss his memoir, Finding Home, with his son, Howard, Lisa Williams and Colin Grant. This film is courtesy of the EIBF archive.


Illuminating, in-depth conversations between writers.

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What we leave we carry, The series that tells the true-life stories of migration to the UK.

The series that tells the true-life stories of migration to the UK.

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