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Creative consultant

Michael Salu is a writer, artist, critic and creative director. His written work has appeared in many literary journals, magazines and art publications, and he has exhibited widely. He has conceived and managed the creative output of well-respected and culturally-focused brands, working with the languages of both art and design across a variety of online and offline media and now runs House of Thought, a creative consultancy and research practice. Salu has often given talks and contributed to the art and media curriculums of various universities. He has been an advisor to institutions such as the AOI (Association of Illustrators), a mentor at The Photographers Gallery and has been a guest speaker at a variety of live events and symposiums across the arts, including TEDx and 5×15. He is also the former creative director of Granta Publications and before that was a senior designer for the UK literary division (Vintage) of Penguin Random House.
